Muniaswamy Kasiraja said....According to Indian philosophers , self is the Purush or Purusha . realization is the knowledge or the consciousness of this Purusha within every human being , and it is the most important aspect of every seekers of God to attain Mukti ( salvation ) . For those who believe in karma samsara , Self Realization is the only way to liberate themselves from the cycle of birth and death .
The religious life of many Indians is focused on devotion to gods and goddesses through rituals at homes and in shrines . More philosophically - minded people ignore these gods altogether and seek Realization of the Self through intense meditation . Still others focus primarily on fulfilling the social and moral duties appropriate to their position in life .
These three approaches are regarded as equally important , and they are formally recognized as threefold margas ( paths ) to liberation : bhaktimarga ( the path of devotion ) , gnanamarga ( through the path of knowledge ‘ sankhya ’ or through philosophy ‘ yoga’ and ‘ meditation ’ ) , and karmamarga ( the path of works and actions ) .
Those who want to follow the path of devotion are the majority and their aim is to try and please God through different types of rituals including poojas , offering special prayers & gifts during festivals , doing dharma , undertaking pilgrimages , participating in kumba - melas , taking up vows and penances , walking on fire , offering yagnas , rolling for miles , even sacrificing animals etc .
Purpose of Yoga : The goal of Yoga is to achieve union with self , the little self and the True Self . It is a process of awakening to the preexisting union between Aathma ( soul ) and Brahma ( Creator ) , Jeevathma and Paramathma , or the realization of Purusha standing alone as separate from Prakrithi . Buddhist philosophy teaches that the self does not have absolute boundaries .
The author of the yoga system , Shri Patanjali , says that it is a system of moral and physical exercises ( Yoga Sutra 1:1,2 ) . Patanjali teaches eight steps . 1 . Yama ( moral conduct ) : fulfilled by noninjury to others , truthfulness , nonstealing , continence , and noncovetousness . 2 . Niyama ( religious observances ) : prescripts are purity of body and mind , contentment in all circumstances , self -discipline , self - study ( contemplation ) , and devotion to God and guru . 3 . Asana ( right posture ) : the spinal column must be held straight , and the body firm in a comfortable position for meditation . 4 . Pranayama ( control of prana ) : the subtle life currents . 5 . Pratyahara ( withdrawal ) of the senses from external objects . 6 . Dharana ( concentration ) : holding the mind to one thought . 7 . Thyana ( meditation ) . 8. Samadhi ( superconscious experience ) .
In the final stages of Samadhi , the yogi is supposed to have attained miraculous powers such as raising into the sky , walking on water , conquering lions , leaving his body and entering into the dead bodies of any form etc . Through this system of yoga and meditation , the soul is expected to merge with the Purusha without the grace of God ; and it is also believed that , through the individual practice alone one can attain divine status .
Kriya Yoga : Kriya Yoga ( union with the Infinite through a certain action or rite ) is a technique of relaxation , meditation and concentration which leads to a personal experience with God . When the inner peace arrives , one can then feel God ’ s overwhelming presence and reach greater clarity . The body and mind will then be trained and the soul will eventually be liberated and truly freed .
It is to free man from the effects of karma resulting in everlasting remains . It is done through the realization of oneself , and thereby realizing God and the love for God . It helps them to recognize the beauty within , and the magnificence of their spirit . Most of the people seek satisfaction from what they see , but this provides no relief and the longing continues . But by focusing on the internal, rather than the external , one can get complete relief from all desires .
It is also meant to encourage the establishment of individual temples of God in the hearts of men , to liberate man from his threefold sufferings : physical , mental and spiritual , to promote plain living and high thinking , to spread the spirit of brotherhood among all people by teaching the eternal basis of their unity : kinship with God , to demonstrate the superiority of mind over body , of soul over mind , to overcome evil by good , sorrow by joy , cruelty by kindness , ignorance by wisdom and above all to attain direct personal experience with God .
Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve around the six spinal centers ( medulla , cervical , dorsal , lumbar , sacral , and coccygeal plexus ) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac , the symbolic Cosmic Man . One - half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his spiritual evolution ; that half - minute of Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment .
Hatha Yoga : The purpose of Hatha Yoga is to locate and activate the chakras ( centers of energy ) , thereby raising the kundalini ( dominant spiritual power ) . This in turn is believed to help remove blockages ( diseases ) in the mind and body .
Hatha yoga attempts to balance mind and body via physical postures and exercises ( asanas ) , controlled breathing , and calming of the mind through relaxation and meditation . Asanas teach poise , balance & strength and were originally ( and still ) practiced to improve the body ’s physical health and clear the mind in preparation for meditation in the pursuit of enlightenment .
Kundalini Raising : The practice of kundalini yoga centers on raising the kundalini , or dormant psychic energy , through the body ’ s seven major chakras , or centers of consciousness . The seven chakras are : Muladhara chakra - base of the spine , Svadhishthana chakra - near the genital organs , Manipura chakra - behind the navel , Anahata chakra - at the heart , Vishuddha chakra - at the throat , Ajna chakra - behind the point between the eyebrows ( the “ third eye ” ) , Sahasrara chakra - the cerebral cortex .
Each chakra is associated with a different set of psychic powers and spiritual experiences . For example , accessing the vishuddha chakra in the throat bestows powers of telepathy and prophecy , while activating the ajna chakra on the forehead brings universal knowledge . Specific colors and sounds are also associated with the chakras and used to activate them. ...conti....