Transcendental Meditation : The Transcendental Meditation ( TM ) technique involves reciting of a mantra through which the mind is brought to the source of thought , the settled state of the mind - Transcendental Consciousness - pure consciousness , self - referral consciousness , which is the source of all creative processes . It is believed that through this technique , the individual ’ s awareness settles down and experiences a unique state of restful alertness . As the body becomes deeply relaxed , the mind transcends all mental activity to experience the simplest form of awareness - Transcendental Consciousness , where consciousness is open to itself . This is the self - referral state of consciousness .
The Transcendental Meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi claims that TM is the only way for salvation and it provides heaven in earth . It uses seven words such as Jagrata centana ( walking ) ; swapna cetana ( dreaming ) ; sushupti cetana ( sleeping ) ; toorya chetana ( transcendental consciousness ) ; tooryateet cetana ( cosmic consciousness ) ; bhagavat centana ( God consciousness ) ; and brahmi cetana ( Unity consciousness ) . Even though the TM organization claims that their mantras are meaningless sounds with known physiological effects , the mantras are in fact names of a Hindu deity .
Katha Upanishad 65:8 says , Avyaktatuparah purushoyagnatva muchyatae : One who knows Purusha becomes free and attains immortality . Viveka Chudamani verse 6 says;
Vadhanthu shastrani yadhanthu devane , Kurvanthu karmani bajanthu devata ,
Aatmaikayodena vinabpi mukitha , na chityathi bhramma shathanthrashpi .
Let them quote scriptures and sacrifice to gods ; let them observe rituals and worship devatas ( gods ) ; but there is no liberation at all ; no , not even in a hundred lifespan of Brahma put together , until the identity of one ’ s self with the Divine Self is realized . Again verse 56 says :
“ na yogena na sankhyena karmanano na vidhya brahaat maikatva bodena moksha sidyate naanyata ”
Neither by yoga , nor by knowledge , nor by karma or by learning , but by the realization of one ’ s own identity with God is liberation possible , and by no other means . Svetaasvatara Upanishad 3:8 says :
Vedaaha metam purusham manantam Aaditya vamam tamasah - h parastat
tameva viditvati mutu meti naanyah panthaa vidyate - ayanaaya
I know the mighty Purusha of the color of the sun beyond the darkness . Only in knowing Him does one Passover death . There is no other way leading to eternal life .
Vedas begin with the worship of gods of nature , namely ;
1 The terrestrial gods- Prithvi ( earth ) , Agni ( fire ) , Bruhaspati and Soma ( plants ) .
2 The atmospheric gods - Indra , Rudra , Maruts , Vayu and Parjanya ( storm , thunder and rain ) .
3 The celestial gods - Dyaus ( heaven ) , Varuna , Ushas & Asvins ( twilight morning stars ) and Surya , Mitra , Savitri , Ka , Vishnu ( all associated with the sun ) .
Actually these gods were the result of man ’ s search for the truth , which finally culminated in the Purusha Prajapathi , the Creator . The Katha Upanishad 3:11 says , avvyakthath purusha parah purushanna param kinchith sa kastha sa paragathi , which means that there is none superior to this Purusha and He is the paragathi ( Only way to Moksha ) .
The Purusha in the Purusha Sukta of the Rig Veda is called the Param Purusha that means the one and the only Supreme Being and He is the Lord of immortality . The 10th mandala of Rig Veda chapter 121 verse 10 says, Prajapathi Lord of life, Lord of Creatures and Lord of Creation .
Creation of Man : Genesis 1:27 “ God created man in his own image , in the image of God created he him ; male and female created he them ” . Isaiah 64:8 “ But now , O LORD , thou art our father ; we are the clay , and thou our potter ; and we all are the work of thy hand ” . Psalm 139:14 “ I will praise thee ; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made : marvelous are thy works ; and that my soul knoweth right well ” . God created humans in his own image for His glory and to the praise of His glorious grace .
Empowerment of the Soul by Purusha : Genesis 2 : 7 “ The Lord God ( Prajapathi Purusha ) formed man from the dust of the ground , and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ; and man became a living soul ” . Many people find it difficult to believe , that human beings were created from the dust of the ground . However , if we recognize that the modern day wonder machines including the Super Computers and Nuclear Bombs etc ., were made by taking all the raw materials from the earth only , and that too with the limited wisdom and knowledge of the human beings , then it will become obvious that the All - knowing and All - powerful Creator can create human beings by taking the necessary ingredients including the living cells from the ground .
Since human beings were made out of living things , then what God breathed into Adam ’ s nostrils is His own Spirit , and Adam’ s soul ( Aathma ) became a living soul ( Jeevathma ) . That means the soul ( Aathma ) has been endowed with the life and that life ( Purusha or Self ) is the Holy Spirit ( True Self ) of God Himself and this spirit was not given to any other creature . This is what many people call it as Little Self , Sixth Sense , Clear Conscience or the Still Small Voice etc .
This leads us to the fact that , every human is made up of both physical and spiritual being . The physical being comprises of the physical body and the life attached with the body , and the spiritual being comprises of the soul , which is the controlling force behind the body , and a life ( self ) to sustain that soul . As the physical man has got a physical heart and brain etc ., the spiritual man does not have such heart or brain . However , when we talk about heart or mind during our religious discourse , we actually refer to the soul , and this soul or the Aathma is the one , which manipulates our brain .
Having got the Holy Spirit of God , the soul also has become immortal and cannot be destroyed . Even many things in this world cannot be destroyed , but can only be changed from one physical state to another . Hence humans have become altogether a powerful beings , physically as well as spiritually . That is why human beings are sometimes called as saints or lower gods .
In addition , human beings have been endowed with the power to communicate not only with each other , but also can know and be in communion with the Creator all the time . Each and every word that humans speak has got a special power behind . Mat 12:37 “ For by thy words thou shalt be justified , and by thy words thou shalt be condemned ” conti...
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